production I was fortunate enough to review, “Hangmen”, the action began on stage prior to the start of the play, with Tom Oakley preparing himself a cup of tea and Sam the dog (very ably puppeteered by Suzanne Nolan) dozing in the bedroom. Special mention needs to be made at this point of Suzanne's incredible ability to keep completely still, head down, for a full 15 minutes! This was a clear example of things to come, as Suzanne very effectively merged into the background and we forgot Sam was a puppet, so effective was her skill. Suzanne fully brought Sam to life with his head movements and perfectly-timed tail wags – he was completely true to life as the loyal, excitable, and friendly Collie. Andrew Smith looked every inch Tom Oakley and he brought to life the widower's fatherly side immediately. This was in contrast to the novel where Tom initially struggles to adapt to his new wartime role – I am not sure if this was a directorial, authorial or actor's choice, but it sadly meant that Andrew had less opportunity to show Tom's character development and the light and shade of the character. However, his overall portrayal of Tom was spot on – I especially enjoyed the quieter, more reflective moments in the graveyard talking to Rachel, and Andrew's skill at reacting as the story unfolds in front of him. Tom's paternal love for William was palpable and at no point did the audience doubt this. The role of William Beech must be a challenging one, especially for a young actor, as so much of the plot hinges on the development of William's confidence, retraumatisation, and subsequent healing. Ciarán's portrayal of William was confident and mature, he managed to show William's initial fear and shyness and then developing confidence, and his protection of baby Trudy was truly heart breaking. I was particularly impressed by Ciarán's acting when William and Trudy were found in the cupboard – as Ciarán was brought out his legs were shaking, and you fully believed that he had