The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society Murder Mystery By David McGillivray, Walter Zerlin Jr. Director: Pete Curran Droylsden Little Theatre With an impressive cast, excellent direction and a wildly funny play, Droylsden Little Theatre started their new season with a fabulous production which ticked all the boxes “The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society Murder Mystery” is a play-within-a-play, “Farndale” introduces us to the Ladies of the housing estate as they put on their annual murder mystery. There is murder and mayhem, a botched set keeps falling down, cues are missed, and one-character cuts five pages from the play, resulting in “poor dead Auntie Joan” coming downstairs very much alive. It’s all very silly but hilarious to witness. This production was a joy to watch from beginning to end, and a huge pat on the back must go to Director, Pete Curran for keeping the action moving and understanding the nature of farce. He did outstanding job. That being said, he couldn’t have done it without a super talented cast. Jean Nicholson gives us multiple and different characters, but truly excelled as Mrs Reece, the Guild chairman (where she shows a great ability to talk freely with the audience) and as an over the top saucy French maid. She was a delight every time she took to the stage, as we, the audience only could imagine what was about to happen.