ACT Reviews 2022-2023 Season

expertly portrayed by James. For most of the time he is bent over and holding Pozzo’s possessions, keeping still and only moving on command. James did this with ease and no doubt it took lots of practice to achieve the required result. Lucky appears to be a mute but in Act 1 he has a grand speech that was delivered with just the right tone and inclination by James. Finally, a fifth person appears, namely a young boy who is a messenger for the unseen Godot, portrayed by Will Peacock. This cameo part was played very well by Will. Although a small role, every role is equally important to the whole production and it’s a good way for someone to get involved and learn the craft. Hope he gets more experience in the future. My only observation was that I think his costume could have been a bit more in keeping with the style of the rest of the costumes. Sound and lighting by Richard I’Anson were beautifully carried out, especially the opening music and the night-time scenes with the moon dropped in place by John Mills. Props by Marina Butterworth were simple and effective including the provision of the delicious Chicken Bones and vegetables to be consumed by the hungry Gogo. The tree and rocks, which were expertly constructed from papier-mâché by John Mills and his team, were very effective and helped set the scene. Costumes were predominately in keeping with the setting and for the characters. My only thought was that the tramps needed perhaps to be a little bit more dishevelled and dirtier. All in all, the production was very enjoyable, and the humour came across very well, especially between Gogo and Didi. Finally, I would like thank Linda Midgley and team for welcoming me and my guest to their lovely little theatre. I shall certainly be back again sometime soon.