ACT Reviews 2022-2023 Season

perfectly timed and delivered performances. Everyone involved is to be commended on a fully effective and truly memorable piece of theatre, including Benjamin Ashworth as the doctor and Graham Haworth as the Governor. The one area I wondered about was why the decision was made to leave the stage curtains open behind the scene, showing the audience the pub set throughout – this made it slightly confusing at first as it looked as though Hennessey was in the pub rather than the prison. Perhaps this was symbolic of how the event would continue to haunt Harry Wade throughout his future career? The second scene was set two years later in said pub, where Harry (played to perfection by Steven Derbyshire) is centre of attention on the day hanging is abolished. The pacing and delivery of this scene was a marked contrast to the opening scene, everything was much slower, and I thought perhaps at times that characterisation was prioritised over pace (for example, the cast members very effectively played men who had been drinking for some time and were certainly feeling the effects, but this meant that their line delivery was slower and less distinct). There were also some issues with blocking and upstaging in this scene – from where I was sitting the front right table next to which reporter Clegg (played by Will Gedling) was stood partially blocked the table at the back where Charlie (Dominic Dwyer) and Arthur (Gary Waugh) were sat. This was a shame as I really enjoyed their exchanges (Charlie explaining to Arthur what has been said) and would have liked to have seen more of their actions rather than predominantly just hearing the lines. The majority of Clegg’s lines were delivered to Harry as he is trying to interview him, who was at the back of the stage behind the bar; again, this was a shame as we were unable to see Will’s face or expressions, although to Will’s credit his lines were all clear despite them being directed towards the back. This seemed like an unfortunate staging choice, especially when we were witness to