created an intriguing vivacious character who has a quest to sleep with any boy she fancies and does so, especially with Conrad. However, such behaviour leads to inevitable consequences, and we really felt for the character as she took on the role of single mother up to her untimely death.. By contrast, Tracey Parker portrayed the role of Viv, the studious sociologist student with a strong work ethic, who found Rose’s promiscuity difficult to deal with. Tracey gave a splendid performance, particularly when she moves to create her new life in New York: you could feel the enjoyment with every breath she took whilst portraying this character Georgia Richardson brings much humour to role of Di, the happy go lucky scouser, who acts as a mediator between the two opposing characters of Rose and Viv. Forever trying to keep the peace, while exploring her newfound homosexuality. Di encounters some heart wrenching challenges along the way, but supported by her two best friends she manages to overcome all hurdles. Georgia handled these tough topics with great sensitivity, which, for the subject matter, must have been extremely difficult. The highlight of this piece was how wonderfully these three women worked together. From the moment Act One opened you could tell that these three ladies were enjoying every single moment of this production. Mandy Mallinson directed this show and managed to give the piece heart. We all grew up with friends like Di, Viv and Rose. It is hard to depict such heart-wrenching scenes and handle them with care so as to not offend. I felt Mandy showed respect to these aspects of this story.