SCHOOL OF ROCK Director - Chris Higgins Assistant Director/choreographer - Claire Higgins Cre8tiv This was my first visit to watch the newest members of the Act family, Cre8tiv, in their first full scale production. I must say from the start I found this production frustrating. Frustrating due to the fact that I struggled to find anything to criticise, it was so good. In the short space of time this company has been together it has gelled into a really tight unit and a lot of credit for this must go to the driving force behind Cr8tiv, Chris and Claire Higgins, who were the Director and Assistant Director/choreographer for this production. From the opening number you can tell that both the adults and kids in the cast were thoroughly enjoying themselves; their togetherness came across on stage, whilst still maintaining a disciplined performance. It was perfectly cast. No one originally auditioned for the lead role of Dewey Finn so Chris Higgins took on the role, and thank goodness he did, the man was born to play that part. From the opening number to finale Chris was a real tour-deforce onstage. He was the glue that held this production together. He commanded the stage with an enthusiastic energy but never once went over the top, a brilliant performance. He was well supported by an enthusiastic cast of kids and adults. Sam Duffy, as principal Rosalie Mullins, not only acted well but displayed a lovely singing voice. Her daughter in real life, Bo Duffy