members to have dialogue. Here we had Poppy Land, Abigail Pottinger and India Rushton as the Rainbow Fairies – Red, Orange and Yellow respectively. Each delivered their lines confidently and with a certain amount of attitude at times. They were supported by more seasoned players in Sean Stennings and Kim Cooper as the Green and Blue fairies. All had individual characters and used their magic to save Princess Rose. Paul Bowers was confident as the dippy King Cactus and looked like he was having fun. He paired well with Beverley Eaves as Queen Marigold. All I can say is… what a set of pipes this actor has! The rendition of Lulu’s SHOUT! At the end of each act was great. The call and response in this song had everyone, young and old, joining in. An inspired song choice with strong delivery was a superb ending to each act. Any pantomime wouldn’t be complete without a good and bad fairy. Maisie Done as the Good Fairy Lilac was bright and breezy. She was cheerful every time she came on stage; she delivered her dialogue with confidence and mostly in rhyme. A good change up for Lisa