Beast to Prince that the same costumes could not have been worm. The camp tomfoolery of coiffeur Marcel was laudably played by Sean Duvall. Also in support Giles Robertson had great fun as the narcissistic Gustav the village hunk and Beatrice Broughton who really knows her way around a script played Jackie. Leading the frivolity was Madame Fifi, played to excess by Paul Baylock. Paul was a true pantomime dame - “a bloke in a frock”. He worked the audience to good effect. The other comedy roles were supplied by April Johnson, as Whitney, and Clare Ardern, as Britney (Belle’s sisters). Together they had great comic timing making unfunny lines funny. They were good foils for each other and Clare’s facials strengthened the comedy. Eccentric professor Alphonse, father of Belle, was played with a cheerfulness and commitment by Tony Turner creating an endearing character. Michelle Anderson as Belle displayed just the right amount of innocence and meant that the younger members of the audience could identify their “Disney Princess”. Three years waiting in the wings and Knutsford Little Theatre is now back on stage presenting traditional family pantomime.