ACT Reviews 2022-2023 Season

with sunny voices engaging the audience. It was obvious everyone was having a good time. The little too-wordy opening was well handled by Lucy Morris, as Fairy Godmother, supported by her three apprentices (Stardust – Megan Pritchard, Twinkle – Amy Byrom, Moonbeam – Ruby Summerscales). Lucy captivated all the dressed up little princesses in the audience to create the excitement of live theatre. The simple love story borne out of mistaken identity was well told. At Hardup Hall we meet lovelorn Buttons, played by Ian DevereuxRoberts. Ian may have been a little mature for the affable character, however, he was a hit with the audience delivering plenty of quirky frivolity. Chris Pacitti’s portrayal of Cinder’s Dad, the Baron, received the audience’s sympathy for his dilemma with daughter Ella and his new wife and stepdaughters. As the new Baroness Hayley Dale was brash and cold hearted in true pantomime tradition. The sisters, Dyspepsia (Liz Legerton) and Sciatica (Gail Roberts) were delightfully cruel and ugly at heart if not in appearance (not too sure if all their costumes worked) Liz and Gail filled the stage bringing energy and their experience to the roles. They worked the audience to good effect. Comedy duo Nicola Wheeler as Cash ,and Sue Mears as Carry, were the Broker’s Men. They threw themselves into their characters extracting all the humour and lighting up the stage with each entrance. The Baron’s debt was paid by the Prince by cheque; there is no BACs in Pantoland. At the Palace we met the King (Steve Dale) and courtier and friend of