Elizabeth Kerr and Ava Evans were the bumbling duo Cross-Bones and Skull-Duggery respectively. They had developed accents and a look to accompany their characters. As a comedy duo they have free range really to make their performances as big and loud as they like. I am always impressed at how young actors take time to think about their character, the look, the voice and how they move; from a flirty dame, a silly character, to a sword bearing leading principal. Those with only a couple of scenes gave their all. Seth Neal, as Robinson’s island sidekick Friday, was confident in his dialogue delivery as was the squawking parrot, Polly played by Poppy Llewellyn. Some people get right into their parts; Michael Brickell embraced his part of Mumbo Jumbo with fevered excitement. The costume really gave his persona, purpose and menace. Ned Evans, whether he is a part of the ensemble or as a character, in this case Hocus Pocus, totally commits to his role on stage and becomes captivating with every performance. Both these young actors poured themselves into their roles. Well done! Every person that had dialogue delivered it strongly, even those without microphones projected to be heard. While on the subject of stage voices,