and new to the stage at the George Lawton hall. Leading the company we have two wonderful young gentleman, Callum Beswick (Oliver) and Jake Ashworth (Dodger). Both these young men trod the boards as if they had been doing for many years. Some adults don’t have the confidence that these two youngsters had, and the both certainly had the talent to go alongside it. Jack Knight (Fagin), in my eyes, has the best job of the evening. Not only did he get to work with the multitude of young talent, but he also got to perform some of the best numbers in the show. My personal favourite had to be, “Reviewing the Situation”. Sometimes this particular song can become monotonous, but Jake created a way of keeping the audience interested and humming along with him. Felicity Pretsel (Nancy) was utterly stunning within her performance. Watching her act through song was just something to behold. Nancy doesn’t come into the story until the end of Act Two, but when she arrived, you certainly knew you were going to be in for a treat. From “Oom-PahPah “to the beautiful ballad “As Long as He Needs Me” her vocal ability was showcased to its fullest potential. Congratulations. Nick Ward (Bill Sykes) certainly knows how to create tension amongst the audience. From his very first entrance, you could hear a pin drop in the audience. Accompanied by man’s best friend, Earl Hewitt (Bullseye) The devilsome duo had the audience in silence on every appearance. All of these principals were surrounded by a wealth of talent; Rob