AN EVENING WITH GARY LINEKER by Arthur Smith & Chris England Director: Simon Darlington APeel Drama Club For this play we travelled back to 1990 when England verses Germany were in the semifinals of the world-cup. This event happens when Bill and Monica are on holiday in Majorca. a holiday in an attempt to revive their marriage. Set in the hotel room, with insets for balcony and bar, the scenes all worked well. The set dressings completed the visual image. Lighting was a little basic: the monologues needed spotting to separate them from the narrative. Costumes were a little more now than the 90’s but gave the characters clear definitions. Casting was very good and the camaraderie between each member was strong and this spilt over into their performances. This gave all the characterisations that extra lift. This was teamwork at its best! It is pre match time and football fanatic husband, Bill, is getting ready for the game with friends who are calling to participate in the football match frenzy. First to knock at the door is Ian, Bill’s school friend, and Tourist rep, Birgitta. Bill is in publishing and Ian is a former colleague and old school friend. Ian is a geek and gets on the nerves of those around him. Harvey Millard’s on-stage antics as the football hating Ian had many comic moments. Sex on two legs, Birgitta, is not the Barbara Windsor “Carry On” stereotype - she is equal to the men. Stacy Dawber brought Birgitta alive and her German accent never got between the actress and the dialogue. The unexpected guest is Dan, also in publishing and author of the book, “Train Spotter”. He loves flighty young women and is hopeful for romance with Birgitta. One of his conquests is Monica, Bill’s wife. Mark Lyth successfully played Dan displaying a clear understanding of the